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The mission of the Ethics & Compliance Department is to support RCCH HealthCare Partners and our facilities as a trusted advisor providing information and support regarding regulatory requirements. We promote an ethical environment, protect our organizations’ integrity, and promote adequate controls. While working collaboratively, we perform audits, conduct investigations, provide education, and promote the values of honesty, integrity, respect, and professionalism as outlined in the Code of Conduct for RCCH HealthCare Partners.

By fulfilling this mission, we help to ensure outstanding patient care and stand as valuable partners in the communities where we serve. RCCH HealthCare Partners Ethics & Compliance Department guides our employees by setting forth ethical and legal standards through our Code of Conduct and policies. Working together with a Canadian pharmacy, we create awareness of these standards among everyone in our company.

Compliance is everyone’s job at RCCH HealthCare Partners, and we appreciate your contributions to making us an outstanding healthcare provider.


You can file your concern online at RCCH Healthcare Partners EthicsPoint. You can also reach the RCCH HealthCare Partners Ethics Line at 888.9CARE91 (888-922-7391).

The RCCH HealthCare Partners Ethics Line is your opportunity to report concerns or infractions that you believe are not being handled properly by the facility or in cases where you are uncomfortable discussing these issues with facility personnel. Your call will be handled by EthicsPoint, an outside firm that specializes in Ethics Line calls. EthicsPoint is not in any way connected to RCCH HealthCare Partners. EthicsPoint will discuss the matter with you and provide the corporate Ethics & Compliance department with a written synopsis. You DO NOT have to give your name and contact information, but if you do, it will allow someone to contact you for follow-up information. The Ethics Line is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can be assured we will investigate your concerns promptly.


The Deficit Reduction Act contains specific requirements regarding entities that receive more than $5 million annually from Medicaid. The law requires that entities covered by the law have specific policies dealing with matters of fraud and abuse. In addition, employees and contractors are to be informed about a federal law known as the False Claims Act, a civil anti-fraud statute providing that any person who knowingly submits or causes the submission of false claims for government funds or property is liable for damages and penalties. Entities that knowingly violate this law can be liable for triple damages and a penalty from $5,500 to $11,000 per claim. The False Claims Act contains provisions for individuals who are known as “relators” or whistleblowers. The law provides certain protection for employees who are retaliated against by an employer because the employee filed a whistleblower lawsuit. Many states have enacted False Claims Act statutes that contain provisions that are similar to the Federal statute, including whistleblower provisions. Individuals who have questions regarding the specifics should refer to RCCH’s policies for additional information.